What is booty pop and what is the significant?
Booty pop is an online website that sells underwear, named Booty Pop for women that helps lifts and shapes a women's bottom so that she is confident and has the Hollywood back side. Since primarily sexual attraction comes from the buttock women today want that certain aspect to improve their backside.
Who spends more online, men or women? Proportion?
Research showed that 42 percent of men shop for luxury goods, compared with 35 percent of women. The survey stated that men were willing to spend and average of 326 dollars versus 284 dollars for women. It also showed that men were willing to spend 1, 751 for one single item where women would be willing to spend 787 dollars for a single item.
Who spends more time online, men or women?
Women spend more time online than men do. This is because women are online on social networks 30 percent more then men are. This maybe because the fact that women love to conversation and share some new details about themselves to the world. As were men go on to shop, do some research and other “occasionally” check their social networks.
What advantages do marketers have from women online then men?
Marketers have the advantage over women online than men because women spend more time online and even though they don’t spend more online women do have the tendency to have rational motives. Another reason is because women are just simply a lot easier to market for then men are.
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