How to utilize this class in the real world; the big question that is being asked for marketing research. I would have to say that there are many ways to utilizing what we learned in our Marketing research class and turning it into money. One thing would be to go up to a business, big or small and market your services to them, for a price. Then after marketing yourself, you then start your market research. Define your market research, find out who the customers are, what they want, what they expect from the company and what they would like see change as well. After finding out your target market, Identify sample units, the sample units to what provides the data you want and your research questions determines your sample units. Then you need to start planning and executing your focus group. This will help you identify the objective of your research and define the problem. If your focus groups are intended as exploratory research, specify objective relevant to your research program. The you will need to write a screening questionnaire to identify and recruit participants. Next will need to write a script to guide the sessions and recruit qualified participants. Then choose the site for your focus groups. After the sessions are completed, then you can start analyzing you data that you have collected. One you have analyzed everything and had put them in a research paper with graphs included, and you can go to the business with your results and let them know what you have figured out from you research. If you do everything right and with some patience and TIME, you should be a shoe in for the cash flow from the business that you went up to in the beginning. Good luck and make some money.
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