Week 11 EOC: Forced Choice

Lana Cunningham- I loved you newsletter, but it could have had more information on the research itself.
Ashley Tomlin- Missing what the hypothesis was and needed clearer graphing.
Coral McGarvey-A little confused on what you hypothesis was, but overall it was very informative.
Elizabeth Manning- I felt very informed, I knew what the hypothesis was right away and got to see how your results came out. I even liked that you involved the kids in your survey, it was really smart.
Roland Moore- Not sure what the hypothesis was and had a bit of errors.
Cristin Wacaser- Needs graphs and I didn’t know what your hypothesis was.

Market Research Final

Week 10 Eoc: using market research to make money

How to utilize this class in the real world; the big question that is being asked for marketing research. I would have to say that there are many ways to utilizing what we learned in our Marketing research class and turning it into money. One thing would be to go up to a business, big or small and market your services to them, for a price. Then after marketing yourself, you then start your market research. Define your market research, find out who the customers are, what they want, what they expect from the company and what they would like see change as well. After finding out your target market, Identify sample units, the sample units to what provides the data you want and your research questions determines your sample units. Then you need to start planning and executing your focus group. This will help you identify the objective of your research and define the problem. If your focus groups are intended as exploratory research, specify objective relevant to your research program. The you will need to write a screening questionnaire to identify and recruit participants. Next will need to write a script to guide the sessions and recruit qualified participants. Then choose the site for your focus groups. After the sessions are completed, then you can start analyzing you data that you have collected. One you have analyzed everything and had put them in a research paper with graphs included, and you can go to the business with your results and let them know what you have figured out from you research. If you do everything right and with some patience and TIME, you should be a shoe in for the cash flow from the business that you went up to in the beginning. Good luck and make some money.

Week 8 EOC: Selecting a sample: The eight steps

To choose a sample for your research project, you must be familiar with the sample selection steps that researchers follow. If you skip any of the steps or perform them poorly, your sample is likely to be less representative of the population. Here are the steps:

1.   Decide whether to use a probability or non-probability sampling method.
I will be using a non- probability sample; convenience sample method. I chose this because there are a variety of people, young and old that shop for candy and shop for couture candy.
2.   Define the target population.
The target population at the sugar factory is any who like candy, but love couture candy.
3.   Select a sample frame.
A sample frame is only relevant to probability sample.
4.   Identify the sample unit.
The sample unit is where and who you’re going to set your unit whether it is people, households or businesses. These units provide the data.
5.   Plan the procedure for selecting sample units.

6.   Determine the sample size.
I would like somewhere in between 50 to 100+ samples.
7.   Draw the sample.
I will be sending this serve to the Paris sugar factory and on their website.
8. Conduct the fieldwork.

Week 7 EOC: Survey questions

Sugar Factory, yummy, tasty sweet sugary goods, and a huge hit in Las Vegas, so big that they’ve opened three shops, a restaurant and a nightclub. Their biggest success would have to be the Paris hotel’s sugar factory with their vibrant atmosphere and tasty treats. But what make them more successful than the other two shops? Is it because they’re newer, cleaner, and friendlier? Is it because they have memorable customers and a nice set up? Whatever the reason is they seem to be doing overly well for them. Which is why we would like to make a proposal to see why they’re doing so well? What sets them so different (in a good way) and what sets them apart from the other Sugar Factory’s. I believe that this survey would help bring to our intention on increasing the amount of customers and ultimately increasing the sugar factory sales. I also believe this will help enlighten employees no how to make more sales on their products and bring in more customers to buy more.  So with your assistances and your opinion on your experience here at the sugar factory, it would be greatly important to us and would help our studies and understanding to our company by taking this quick survey. We appreciate your corporation and your patience.

1.      2. Is this the first time you’ve been to sugar factory?
a.      Yes
b.      No

2.      Do you feel you are getting your values worth in our products?
a.      Yes
b.      No

3.      If you answered yes, would you come more if we changed our value?
a.      Yes
b.      No

4.      Do you feel that our employees 
a.      Yes
b.      No

5.      How would you rate our store? Rate from 1 (being messy and disorganized) to 5 (being Clean and organized)
1             2             3          4          5

6.      Do you feel like we have a huge variety of products? Rate from 1 (being not enough product) to 5 (being more then enough)
1          2          3          4          5         

7.      How would you rate a staff? Rate from 1 (being the lowest) to 5 (being the highest)1          2          3          4          5

8.      What would you like us to do for you to recommend us to your friends?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9.      Which sugar Factory location do you feel like is the most convenient for you?                                                              i.      Paris                                                            
ii.      MGM                                                          
iii.      Planet Hollywood

10.  What made you come to the sugar factory?                                                              i.      The product         
ii.      The publicity                                                          
iii.      The convenience                                                           
iv.      The atmosphere

11.  Question #14 and #15 are part of question #10. Please answer the last two questions if it relates to you.

12.  Are you a Nevada resident?
a.      Yes
b.      No, I am from ______________________

13.  If no, would you recommend coming back to the sugar factory?

14.  If yes, do you feel like sugar factory should have a discount for locals?

Research Opportunity

Sugar Factory, yummy, tasty sweet sugary goods, a huge hit in Las Vegas. So big that they’ve opened three shops, a restaurant and a nightclub. Their biggest success would have to be the Paris hotel’s sugar factory with their vibrant atmosphere and tasty treats. But what make them more successful then the other two shops? Is it because they’re newer, cleaner, friendlier? Is it because they have memorable customers and a nice set up? Whatever the reason is they seem to be doing overly well for themselves. Which is why I like to make a proposal to see why they’re doing so well. What sets them so different (in a good way) and what sets them apart from the other Sugar Factory’s. I recently discussed, with a close friend of mine that her store wasn’t doing so well. She works at the MGM Sugar Factory; the first opened Sugar Factory in Las Vegas. I feel as though the MGM Factory has so much potential, but doesn’t make very much traffic. In fact they make a scale of five to none on traffic. But with a simple survey at the Paris Factory, asking their customer what makes them so successful and what makes the customers like the Paris Factory the most. Not only will I be surveying in the Paris Factory, but online. I think the Internet has a huge influence in today businesses. With everything done online and technology being the new biggest thing, it would be a smart move, so I can get more of a tally on how people fell about the Sugar Factory. I would post the survey on Facebook, Sugar Factory’s Facebook, Tumblr and a link on Twitter. A variety of questions will be asked on the categories of customer service, the variety of products and the Factory’s environment and energy. Each category containing four questions each, rating from one to five, one being the lowest (strongly disagree) and five being the highest (strongly agree), something simple and easy. I don’t want to complicate it nor do I want to bore the people who will be taking the test. I think if I did this, this will help not only the MGM get an insight of why the Paris factory is doing so well and how to improve themselves for more customers, but also help Planet Hollywood get more of an insight, along with Paris, to improve something’s on their Factory too. Having friends at every Factory and even friends at the restaurant and promoters at the nightclub, they are willing to let me do this survey at the Paris Sugar Factory, which is privately owned, for my final and to help them improve in their customer service and in anything else that they need help improving on. I think what they like most of this idea was the fact that they get to hear from their customers, without the customers feeling obligated to lie or feel uncomfortable about the feed back on their experience at the Sugar Factory.   

BOC W6: Fixing CSN with Marketing Research

The way the school is run at CSN is horrible. They seem to not keep track of its students and see where they go or disappear in this case. Many students are there to take maybe one or two classes and then just leave, never to be seen again. Others work there butt off to graduate only to be left homeless and broke. While other students just simple transfer to a four year college, like UNLV, were the school keeps more of a track on students. CSN has below then 5 percent on a graduating. Students go to CSN because to learn something, to get a better job and to overall, make more money.CSN needs to have a better track on their students. Having a filing system of some sort and advisors for the students, so that the students feel the need to come to school and graduate and the school can keep on track on where and who their students are. They also need to make a list of credits in a major for students that are needed to get their diploma, keeping them on track with what classes they need to take and how long will it take to graduate from CSN. They also have high school drop outs signing up for classes to get there GED. The school needs to survey the students to see what they actually want to take as their major. They also need to survey the community business to see what exactly is out there to actually major and what type of knowledge do the students need to know on their major in order to perfect and be able to do that job. Overall CSN, even though this is a community college, they need to be more stable and organized, and need to think about more of the students. 

EOC W6: Tax Cuts

After reading an article about the Navadans say income tax cuts should stay, it came to my surprising on how poor the survey was. It was a little bias and a little rude. And when asked whether they wanted the tax cuts to expire or to continue, sixty one percent said "continue" and twenty nine percent said "expire," in the poll taken this week by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research for the Las Vegas Review-Journal and 8NewsNow. Another issue that was stated in front of the congress was that thirty eight percent navadans favor the climate change bill that includes “cap and trade”, while forty six percent